The study objective was to identify the latent predictors for patients’ refusal to attend the final medical visit based on the dialogues with healthcare professionals. Two subsamples were analyzed: 676 dialogues between physician assistants and patients not undergone diagnostic testing (382 unique patients) and 752 dialogues with patients undergone diagnostic testing (417 patients). Differentiating factors for languages of patients who refused and didn’t refuse to attend the final medical visit were defined using machine learning methods (regression, decision tree, clustering, lemmatization, etc.).

The report describes the findings of focus group discussions (FGDs) analysis. The FGDs were held in April 2022 in order to evaluate the efficiency of proposed motivation tools for engaging physicians to undergo continuing training. The analytical report is oriented to specialists in medical education or healthcare organization.

The publication briefly covers the research and analytical studies of the Center for Medical and Sociological Research of the Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department in 2022, including Moscow and Russian-level surveys, international projects, research, and event activities. It includes information on publication activity: finished projects with open access papers as well as undergoing projects without publications. The edition is intended for use by the services of the Moscow Healthcare Department.

The study focuses on the image of a male nurse in social media and surveys carried out in Moscow. It shows that the image of this specialist isn’t completely formed in both fields, and the job functions are poorly determined. In contrast with foreign studies, the results demonstrate rather masculine (man in medicine) than feminine (man in a female profession) associations with a male nurse. The study findings could be used for public outreach regarding the image of nursing specialists. The given recommendations help to show that nursing is a valid choice for a man.

The report covers the quantitative study on the experience of receiving medical services in Russia by CIS citizens. The focus group and survey methods were used. The publication is presented as a slidedoc and supplemented by multiple illustrations and quotes. At the end, there are listed the important insights for developing the strategy of medical services promotion among foreigners in Russia.

The publication briefly covers the research and analytical studies of the Center for Medical and Sociological Research of the Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department in 2021, including studies within the Moscow Healthcare Department’s network, Moscow-level surveys (at the request of Moscow medical services and authorities), international projects, and a comprehensive project about loyalty in healthcare. It includes information on publication activity: finished projects with open access papers as well as undergoing projects without publications. The edition is intended for use by the services of the Moscow Healthcare Department.

The paper describes the general characteristics, expectations and results of contest.

The analytical report focuses on the study of Muscovites’ attitude towards the information on health issues published in social media. The study was conducted through a telephone survey using a randomly stratified sample in 2022. The frequency of access to various social media and the distribution of searches of information on health issues in social media, including classification by population groups, were shown. The most used by the population channels on health topics in social media were evaluated.

The analytical report shows the results of the pre-pilot study of legal representatives’ satisfaction with medical care provided to children who had COVID-19. The study instruments (method of data collection, questionnaire) were tested, and the first testing results based on the surveys of parents whose children received treatment in a children’s sanatorium of Moscow Healthcare Department were obtained.

The analytical report focuses on the study of health literacy level among Muscovites using the adapted version of the European Health Literacy Survey. The study was conducted through a telephone survey using a randomly stratified sample in 2022. Multiple aspects of health literacy and the integral index, including their correlations with social and demographic population characteristics and practices of online resources usage by the population, were examined. The assessment of the current level of health literacy among Muscovites and the recommendations for increasing the level are provided.

The analytical report investigates the practices for presenting information to and involving the visitors of medical organizations’ online resources. 10 best medical organizations of Moscow Healthcare Department and a sample of exemplary cases of federal and private medical organizations were selected by relevant indicators. The best practices were selected following the analysis, and the practical recommendations were given. In the conclusion, the hypotheses for UX testing were listed.

The paper covers the data of a pre-COVID-19 pandemic survey about health diet practices among Muscovites, carried out by the Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department. It describes the challenges of social and demographic segmentation of the Moscow population by the level of following a healthy diet, the problem of the population’s understanding of a healthy diet, a real state of awareness, and the relevant myths.

The paper presents the results of a survey conducted among Moscow healthcare workers on various aspects of pharmacovigilance (2021-2022). Information awareness of healthcare staff, barriers, and prospects, as well as criteria for evaluation of medicines, are considered.

The results of surveys on healthy lifestyle, rational behavior, and attitude towards medicine carried out among Moscow citizens not employed in the healthcare sector and Moscow healthcare workers are presented.

The paper presents the results of a sociological case study on factors driving healthcare workers (doctors and nursing staff) to end healthcare employment. Professional development of respondents and cases as well as factors influencing the wish to quit their career were identified. Recommendations on the improvement of the current situation are given.

The results of a study on the level of satisfaction with state and private dental services as well as the comparison of different monitoring methods of this indicator and the differentiation of medical care encounters were presented. Suggestions on improvement of state dental services were elaborated.

The publication presents the results of an observation study on maintaining face mask requirements in public places in Moscow based on the data obtained from more than 16,000 cases. It was revealed that the real indicators of wearing masks by the population are several times lower than those obtained in sociological surveys. In the study, the causes of this difference are considered. Also, reasons for wearing face masks, ways of wearing, population groups that are more (women, seniors, male migrants) and less (young people, middle-aged men) committed to proper wearing of masks, and right and wrong practices of social distancing are considered. Recommendations based on observation results are presented.

The study was conducted with participation of City Children’s Polyclinic No. 86. The publication presents the results of a study on employee loyalty using the example of City Children’s Polyclinic No. 86, including the data divided by its departments, and describes the factors influencing it. Based on the results of the research, further actions have been elaborated.

The publication presents a review of scientific and analytical data on employee loyalty ((e)NPS). Pros and cons of this method are considered.
In this research, international and national experience related to the loyalty in healthcare is briefly reviewed, the results of the research conducted by the Department of Medical and Sociological Research of the Research Institute NIIOZMM on the loyalty of Moscow population to Moscow healthcare services and the practical application of this methodology to the activities of a medical organization in terms of staff loyalty are presented.

The analytical report presents the results of a study on doctors’ and patients’ attitude towards digital products provided by the Moscow healthcare system and the prospects of telehealth. The study was conducted by the Department of Medical and Sociological Research of the Research Institute NIIOZMM.

The research was conducted with the participation of Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 2 of Moscow Healthcare Department. The report presents the results of a study assessing the communication patterns and corresponding skills related to doctor-patient interaction as well as the insights on staff loyalty of an infectious diseases hospital. Upon the obtained results, the practical usage of the skills obtained during the courses on the patient-oriented approach was assessed (before-and-after comparison method). The prospects for further improvement of the skills of employees in this area are discussed.

The indicators observed in the study correspond to the objectives of the Federal Project “Development of Children’s Healthcare, including the Creation of a Modern Children’s Medical Care Infrastructure.” Based on a survey conducted among medical specialists from pediatric organizations in Moscow, the equipment according to its compliance with standards and the conditions of the pediatric patient’s stay are considered. Attention is paid to the issues of employee qualification, some issues of disease prevention and diagnosis in pediatrics. The data on hospitals and polyclinics are presented.
The study was jointly conducted with the Organizational and Methodological Department of Pediatrics.

A survey among the doctors of Moscow polyclinics on their competency in regulatory framework and practical skills in palliative care was conducted. Current problems in knowledge and outdated practices for conducting educational events were identified.
The study was jointly conducted with the Organizational and Methodological Department of Palliative Care.

The report presents the results of a survey on the quality of oncology care in Moscow carried out among patients. Also, the factors of satisfaction with the oncology service and development pathways are discussed. The issues of subsidized drug provision and the attitude of patients towards cancer screening are also considered.
In addition, the report mentions current problems related to the creation of a feedback monitoring system for cancer patients.